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Oldassociates promotes proven programs than can help older Indians remain healthy and vital



10 simple home remedies for anti aging



Aging is something that every one has to face, but what’s important is to age gracefully.

Here are a few simple home remedies you can try out by yourself to keep looking fresh, youthful and not show the tell-tale sign of aging: 


  • In order to get that radiant look, grate raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it. Apply this milk on your face and it will give your skin a glowing effect. 

  • Avocado really helps to give you a young and fresh look because of its oily nature. Simply apply either the pulp or slices of avocado on your face and you skin will get that rejuvenated look.

  • Buy castor oil and apply this on your skin, to soften your skin and remove wrinkles. 

  • Marks and pigments on the skin can be removed by rubbing raw potato on areas having marks or pigments. Many of us suffer from pimples and blackheads and they really mar facial appearance. With age these problems worsen your appearance. A simple home made remedy for this is applying a mixture that’s made up of equal quantities of glycerine, lime juice and rose water on the skin before going to sleep. It’s quite effective! 

  • Heavy work really tells on your eyes and with age they get wrinkles and look very tired. Counter this by applying best quality bee’s honey around the skin of your eyes.

  • Lemons are not just useful to quench you thirst during the summer you can use them as part of your beauty treatment as well. Just applying a few drops of lemon juice on your face can help remove blemishes and age spots as well.

  • The oldest remedy to reducing wrinkles on the face is to drink plenty of water. It makes a difference and it shows!

  • Sugar cane juice when combined with turmeric powder gives you a paste that’s quite effective in controlling wrinkles and prevents the skin from aging.

  • Cut off the core of a pineapple and rub this core on your face. Leave your face to dry for 10-15 minutes. This method is very effective in removing the first signs of wrinkles.

  • Certain essential oils are very helpful in reducing wrinkles. Take drops of oils such as sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, rose jasmine, neroli, and frankincense. Mix these oils with primrose oil or some other oils which you feel you can use as a base oil to make a natural anti wrinkle lotion.


The benefits of using home-made remedies are such that they won’t cost you too much. It’s not like going to a beauty salon or seeing a skin specialist, using costly cosmetics to look good. Home-made remedies save your time and money, plus they are quite effective.

Regularly applying home-made mixes will give you that youthful appearance you always been craving for and you don’t have to spend to much of time in doing them. Just allot a couple of minutes each day for your face treatment and in a few month you will see the difference.


Home Automation for the Older Adults


Improving mobility in the elderly


Impaired mobility is a major health concern for older adults, affecting fifty percent of people over 85 and at least a quarter of those over 75. As adults lose the ability to walk, to climb stairs, and to rise from a chair, they become completely disabled. The problem cannot be ignored because people over 65 constitute the fastest growing segment of the population.


Therapy designed to improve mobility in elderly patients is usually built around diagnosing and treating specific impairments, such as reduced strength or poor balance. It is appropriate to compare older adults seeking to improve their mobility to athletes seeking to improve their split times. People in both groups perform best when they measure their progress and work toward specific goals related to strength, aerobic capacity, and other physical qualities. Someone attempting to improve an older adult’s mobility must decide what impairments to focus on, and in many cases, there is little scientific evidence to justify any of the options. Today, many caregivers choose to focus on leg strength and balance. New research suggests that limb velocity and core strength may also be important factors in mobility.


The family is one of the most important providers for the elderly. In fact, the majority of caregivers for the elderly are often members of their own family, most often a daughter or a granddaughter. Family and friends can provide a home (i.e. have elderly relatives live with them) help with money and meet social needs by visiting, taking them out on trips, etc.


Declaring Elderly Incompetece



In almost all cases of declaring elderly persons mentally or physically incompetent to adequately take care of themselves, in some countries state laws require that a minimum of two doctors, or other health professionals, vouch for such incompetent behavior. Only then can legal supervision by a loved one or caretaker be initiated, including power of attorney, guardianship and conservatorship. If doctoral corroboration cannot be obtained by interested parties, then other proof must be proffered to support the case for incompetence, including outstanding bills and financial debt, or substandard living conditions that would be deemed unsafe or hazardous to the elderly person.


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